
Analyzing a Trojan Horse


Today, we’re going to reverse engineer a real-world RAT (Remote Access Trojan) malware, and understand what it does exactly. This project will teach us a lot about common malware techniques and reverse engineering. I found the malware here. It is the first file in the folder linked, with MD5 149979213411fcac20f7cbc1a26e1521b80073aff05d4c0f967046ef5f23b13a.


I’m analyzing this malware on a Windows VM that isn’t connected to the internet and doesn’t have any shared files with my host. Please only analyze malware on isolated environments to not infect yourself and others on your network.

Tools We’ll Be Using

  • The first tool we use is called IDA. We use the free version for disassembling the binary and writing comments. It also has a paid version for companies and people that do reverse engineering professionally
  • Our second tool is OllyDbg. It is an amazing debugger for the Windows platform that is really fun to use and easy to learn.
  • Finally, we’ll also be using the Sysinternals Suite. This is a suite of tools created by Mark Russinovich that helps a lot when doing things related to the WinAPI (Windows API) and Windows Internals.

    Getting Started

    The first thing we will do is search for the hash of the malware on Virustotal: virustotal-hash The Virustotal Hash This gives a pretty strong indicator that this is indeed malware (64/72 = 88% of vendors marked is as such). Virustotal also has a “details” tab that shows more technical details about the malware (what IPs it communicates with, what files it changes etc.), but we won’t be using it today to not give us “spoilers” for the analysis. The file command indicates that this is a PE32 executable, or in other words a .exe for 32 bit Windows: file-command-output A good starting point when analyzing malware is to look at the strings, by running a command such as strings. Sometimes the strings will be obfuscated (for example using exe.dmc instead of cmd.exe and then reversing it inside the code) and then you’ll have to deobfuscate them, but in this case the strings are not obfuscated and look very interesting:

  • The names of functions used by the malware
    ---END EXCERPT---
  • A list of passwords
    ---END EXCERPT---
  • Some registry keys, hosts, executable names, and interesting format strings
    %s		TaskOK		%s		%s		%s
    %s		CopyOK		%s		%s		%s
    %s		LoginOK		%s		%s		%s
    GET /updata/TPDA.php?
    GET /updata/TPDB.php?

    The Main Function

    A good way to start reverse engineering a program is often where it starts, which on the Windows platform is the WinMain function (sometimes malware authors put code before the WinMain function in order to make the malware harder to analyze, but in this case it doesn’t happen). Here is how it starts: start-of-main The Start of Main Cool, so we have two calls here:

  • The call to WSAStartup initiates usage of the Winsock DLL. Here, two arguments are passed to it: The version, which in this case is 0x202 , and a pointer to the WSADATA structure that contains the details of the Windows Socket implementation. This is a good indicator that the malware uses socket communication.
  • The second call is a call to GetModuleFileNameA with the following arguments GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, ExistingFileName, 0x104). This call puts the path of the current executable into the buffer ExistingFileName. If we step through the function with OllyDbg, we see that ExistingFileName contains the current path of the executable: call-to-getmodulefilename Call To GetModuleFileNameA contents-of-filename-buffer Contents of Filename Buffer Next we have some string operations that concatenate the current executable path with the string ` /SYNC` . After that, we have a call to RegCreateKeyExA: call-to-regcreatekeyexa The Call to RegCreateKeyExA

    A Registry?

    The Windows Operating System has a component called the Windows Registry. The Registry is an Hierarchical Database (in simple terms it just means that all keys except for special keys called root keys have parents) where apps and the OS itself can store data. For example:

  • Have you ever booted up your computer and a program like Discord or Steam (or some malicious malware😈) started up without you telling it to? That’s possible thanks to the Registry
  • Most programs save the location they are installed in in a registry key. This way, their uninstallers can know what files to remove. The entries in the registry are called keys. Each key contains value-data pairs. The data can be of these types. For example, REG_SZ is the type for a null-terminated string. In our uninstaller example, the usage of the registry might look as such:
  • Use the HKLM\Software\<program name> registry key
  • Write the installation path (type REG_SZ) to the value InstallPath All of this wouldn’t be useful if there weren’t a way to access the registry programmatically. That’s the purpose of the Registry API. Here is a simple example of CRUD operations on the registry: ``` #include #include

int main() { HKEY hKey; DWORD dataToWrite = 1234; const BYTE *dataPtr = (BYTE *)&dataToWrite; DWORD lpType; DWORD lpDataRes; DWORD lpcbData;

// Create
	"SOFTWARE\\vaktibabat", // Create SOFTWARE\vaktibabat key
	0, // Reserved
	REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, // Key should be non volatile, e.g. should be preserved when the computer is restarted 
	KEY_ALL_ACCESS, // We want to do whatever we want with the key
	&hKey, // Store a handle to the key in the hKey variable

// Update
RegSetValueExA(hKey, // The key we just created
	"hello_world", // Value name
	0, // Reserved
	REG_DWORD, // Data type
	dataPtr, // A pointer to the data we want to write
	sizeof(DWORD) // The size of the data we want to write

// Read
RegGetValueA(hKey, // The key we set the value to
	"hello_world", // Value name
	RRF_RT_REG_DWORD, // Restrict the type to a DWORD
	&lpType, // Pointer that receives the type
	(VOID *)&lpDataRes, // Pointer that receives the data
	&lpcbData // Pointer that receives the size of the data

printf("Type: %d\nData: %d\nSize: %d\n", lpType, lpDataRes, lpcbData);


// Delete
RegDeleteKeyExA(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, // Hive
	"SOFTWARE\\vaktibabat", // Subkey
	KEY_WOW64_64KEY, // 64 bit view
	0); } ```

The code already has comments, so I won’t explain it further.

Back To Our Analysis

Now that we know what the registry is and how to use it, we can see that the call to RegCreateKeyExA simply obtains a handle to the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run. This registry key controls the processes that automatically start when the machine is booted up, and malware often uses it for persistence. The malware then sets the value of the registry key: call-to-regsetvalueexa The call to RegSetValueExA This puts a value named PHIME2008 with the data <curent path> /SYNC in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run registry key. If we look at our registry after the call to RegSetValueExA with the SysInternals Autoruns tool, we see: autostart-output-1 Autostart Output autostarts b At the end of this post, we write a YARA rule for this trojan, and things like specific registry values are very helpful for this. The registry key is then closed: regclosekey The RegCloseKey call And now we have calls to two subroutines: main-sub-calls Calls to two subroutines

The first subroutine

The subroutine starts with some setup, and then a call to GetSytemDirectoryA, which as the name suggests returns the path of the system directory: get-systemdir Call to GetSystemDirectoryA The function stores the system path into a buffer on the stack. With OllyDbg, we see that the system directory, at least on my machine is olly-systemdir The system directory in ollydbg Next, the string \msupd.exe is concatenated to this system path: listrcat_msupdexe b olly-lstrcat-msupd The lstrcat call The buffer now contains C:\Windows\system32\msupd.exe. This is the next part of the subroutine: next-part-of-sub The next part of the subroutine lopen is called on the path we just constructed in order to open C:\Windows\system32\msupd.exe. It might seem like this is a legitimate Windows binary, but this is actually a malicious binary that the trojan adds to the system directory to make it seem genuine. This is also very helpful to our YARA rule. If the call to lopen fails, the handle is closed and we return from the subroutine. Before we analyze what happens if the lopen call succeeds, we need to understand what DLLs are.

What are DLLs?

If you took a compilation course, you may have heard the terms Dynamic Linking and Static Linking. The compilation process is composed of 4 steps: The Compilation Process We’ll focus on the last step, the linking. Suppose we write a game that uses some graphics library graphicslib. We have two options:

  1. Compile our game so that graphicslib will reside inside the binary, meaning we can call it just like any other function; This option is called Static Linking
  2. Whenever we need to call a function related to graphics, we load a shared object that exports the functions of graphicslib into the memory of our process and call it from there; This option is called Dynamic Linking. The Linux name for these objects is a “shared object”, and the Windows name is a DLL which stands for “Dynamic Linked Library” Let’s look at some advantages and disadvantages of using static linking versus dynamic linking:
    Metric 1: Space
    • Dynamic linking is more efficient in terms of space, because the DLL only needs to reside once on disk, and then every process that needs it loads it at runtime
    • Static linking needs to have the entire library in the binary itself, which causes the binary to be much larger. This is why Rust binaries are often much larger than C binaries
      Metric 2: Portability
    • Dynamic linking requires you to ship your app together with the DLLs
    • Static linking only requires you to ship the binary.
      Metric 3: Performance
    • Dynamic linking has some overhead when we load the library and jump to the function in the library, but nowadays the difference in performance is pretty negligible
    • Static linking doesn’t have this overhead because the functions are already inside the library

The malware we’re analyzing is using the wininet DLL and the urlmon DLL; Let’s continue analyzing it to see what exactly it’s doing with them.

This is the block of code that is called if the C:\Windows\system32\msupd.exe was opened successfully: load-wininet Loading wininet DLL The block starts by copying the string to a buffer on the stack. It then calls the WinAPI function LoadLibraryA with the parameter wininet.dll. This function loads a DLL into the address space of the current process, which suggests that the malware uses functions related to the internet (Since the DLL is wininet.dll). You’ll often see this function used together with GetProcAddress to call a function from a DLL. If the call wasn’t successful, the subroutine returns, and otherwise it continues execution to this block: delete-urlcacheentry Getting the address of DeleteUrlCacheEntry This block calls GetProcAddress with the handle we just acquired to wininet.dll and DeleteUrlCacheEntry. GetProcAddress returns the address of a function or a variable inside a module. In our case, it loads the address of the function DeleteUrlCacheEntry into the register eax. The function is then called with the parameter, and the wininet DLL is freed: calling-deleteurlcacheentry Deleting from the cache The DeleteUrlCacheEntry function deletes its parameter from the cache. This is probably done here in order to not make the user suspicious. We then free wininet.dll because we don’t need it anymore. To summarize how the function was called: dll-call-flowchart How the DLL is called here Then we do a similar thing with urlmon.dll, and call the function URLDownloadToFileA which just downloads a file from the internet and saves it into a specified path: downloadfile Downloading the file The function is called with the parameters and C:\Windows\System32\msupd.exe. This call downloads the file at into the path C:\Windows\System32\msupd.exe on the local system. The Accl3.jpg is probably not a real jpg then. Unfortunately for us, the domain is down, which makes sense because it’s a C2 server and the malware is from 2017 according to the GitHub repo, so we can’t analyze the Accl3.jpg file further. The file is probably more malware. Malware that also download other malware are called Droppers. Let’s look at the next block: creatrpcoessa-block The CreateProcessA call Let’s look at the parameters in OllyDbg: olly-createprocessa The parameters in OllyDbg The call to CreateProcessA just runs the binary that was saved to C:\Windows\system32\msupd.exe. The further confirms our suspicion that Accl3.jpg is not a real JPG.

To summarize: This subroutine deletes from the cache, downloads a file from a C2 Server, saves it under the name C:\Windows\system32\msupd.exe, and executes it.

The Second Subroutine

The second subroutine starts with a call to socket: socket-init-block Initializing the socket This block initializes a TCP socket:

  • The register ebx is zeroed at the start of the function (Before the snippet), so the protocol is unspecified: “If a value of 0 is specified, the caller does not wish to specify a protocol and the service provider will choose the protocol to use.”
  • The type is set to 1, which corresponds to SOCK_STREAM
  • The af is 2, which means AF_INET. This is the next block: connect-block Connecting This block calls connect. As the first push indicates, the connection is made to port 0x50 = 80,which is the port for HTTP. The address is This is a Japanese IP that communicates with many other trojans: japanaese-ip The IP on virustotal The next block constructs some data to send to the IP address: construct-data-block Constructing the data The block starts with a call to sub_401A70 with some buffer passed as an argument. The disassembly of this short subroutine is as follows: disassembly-of-time Disassembly of the subroutine It starts with a call to GetLocalTime, whose name is self-explanatory, and then calls sprintf to write some info related to the current time to the buffer that was passed as input. Specifically, it writes the following data into the buffer: olly-timebuf The result on OllyDbg This is deconstructed as follows: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS Let’s go back to main_sub_2. We were here: getsomedata-block2 Block After the call to get_some_data, GetLocaleInfoA is called to write the current locale (“United States”, “Australia” etc.) into a buffer: localebuf Localebuf Next the GetComputerNameA function is called to retrieve the name of the current computer, which in my case is netbiosname-buf The Computer name And finally another subroutine sub_402090 is called: getipsub1 1 getipsub2 2 It starts by calling gethostname , which returns the hostname of the current machine. It then calls gethostbyname on the retrieved hostname to get a pointer to a hostent structure. The hostent structure contains the following fields: hostent-typedef Typedef of HOSTENT structure The field at offset 0x0c is accessed in the mov edx, [eax+0Ch]. This corresponds to the h_addr_list field, since every pointer is of size 4 bytes, and then each short is 2 bytes. The instruction mov eax, [eax] dereferences the pointer to get the first member of h_addr_list, which the documentation says is a NULL terminated list that contains the addresses of the host. Then inet_ntoa is called on the first address of the current computer to convert it from decimal form to string form. In conclusion, this subroutine just returns the IP of the local computer, e.g.: hostip-buf IP Let’s go back to the second subroutine. We were here: back-to-secondsub1 1 back-to-secondsub2 2 There’s a check for whether getting the IP of the local computer succeeded. If it didn’t succeed, we put it as the string “NONE”. Then GetUserNameA is called to get the username of the person who ran the program. Finally, an HTTP request is constructed:
    GET /updata/TPDB.php?lg1=... HTTP/1.1

    The lg parameters contain the information that was gathered throughout the subroutine. To finish analyzing this subroutine, let’s make the malware send this HTTP request to our local server. Open the malware in OllyDbg, and step until you get to the second subroutine: call-to-second-sub The call to the second subroutine in OllyDbg Our plan is to step until we get to the call to connect, where we’ll change the IP address from to Once you get there, it should look like this: call-to-connect The call to connect in OllyDbg Did you know that IP addresses can be represented as numbers? IP addresses are simply four hex bytes, so the address is simply 0xffffffff (Each two hex digits are the corresponding number in the IP address). We’ll utilize this fact to change the return value of inet_addr. After the call to inet_addr, eax contains the decimal representation of the IP address eax-ip The current IP in eax 0x3B = 59 0x75 = 117 0xCE = 206 0x7D = 125 The order is reversed because the system is little-endian. Let’s calculate the hex representation of 127 = 0x7f 0 = 0x0 0 = 0x0 1 = 0x1 The representation is 0x0100007f. If so, we should change the value of eax to 0x0100007f. Now just continue the execution with F9 (I also set a breakpoint after the call to end, so that the malware won’t continue execution). We see the following request in our server logs: httpc2-log The log of our HTTP server This is really cool! We got all the info that the malware gathered.

To summarize: This subroutine gathers info about the system and sends it to a C2 server in an HTTP request.

Back to Main

Now that we finished analyzing the subroutines that main called, we can go back to main main-end End of Main This part is a loop (The counter is esi = 0x64 = 100, which is decremented at the end of the block until it reaches 0). Every iteration starts a thread that executes the subroutine sub_401870, and then sleeps for 0x0d = 13 milliseconds. Let’s analyze sub_401870:

Analysis of the thread function

threadfunc-start Start of main thread function The thread function starts by seeding the PRNG with GetTickCount This is done so that the PRNG won’t return the same number every time. After some initialization of areas in memory, we have a block that stores a random IP inside a buffer on the stack: sprintf-ip Getting the random IP The sub_401140 function just generates a random number using the PRNG and then shifts it right by 7 bytes to get a number in the range 0-255 gen-rand-int Random integer from 0-255 After the call to sprintf, the buffer may contain for example sprintf-ip-olly Buffer Contents We push our newly-generated buffer onto the stack and call another subroutine, sub_401150, whose goal is to make sure that the IP is a part of the local network (For example it checks that the IP is not a loopback address). Once a valid IP is found, another subroutine is called to check whether port 445 is open on the randomly-generated IP: we-call-another-sub Checking Whether port 445 is open on the randomly-generated IP Its argument is the randomly-generated IP. Here’s the disassembly: start-of-performip Start of the portscan function The function starts with initializing a socket with parameters AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, UNSPECIFIED_PROTOCOL. If the socket was successfully initiated, a connection is made to port 445 of the randomly-generated IP: perform-on-ip2 Second part of portscan function Port 445 is the default port for SMB servers. SMB is a protocol used for file sharing which makes it a very appealing target for malware. Directories shared on SMB are called shares. SMB also supports multiple user accounts, and has a special share called the IPC share that is used to enumerate information like what shares are available, what users are there, etc. The return value is then computed as follows: After the call to select, the register eax will be a non-zero value if and only if the connection succeeded. eax is then stored into edi, which is then tested with itself. A setnle al is executed. This instruction sets al if and only if test edi, edi didn’t set the zero flag, meaning edi is non-zero. This is our return value.

Let’s look at the block in thread_func that called perform_on_ip: thread-func-performip-block The block that called the portscan function If the connection wasn’t successful (al was set to zero), the function goes back to the start of the loop to generate another random IP, until it finds an IP on which port 445 is open. If such an IP is found, a new IP is generated by replacing the last part of the previous IP with the number of the current iteration (This is done in a loop that executes 254 times). Then the function checks whether port 445 is open on this new IP is open. If the port was closed, the function goes back to the start of this block, and if we have a successful connection the following block is executed: check-smb-call The call to checksmb The block starts with a call to sprintf which puts a \\ at the start of our random IP to get the SMB name. Let’s look at check_smb: The first interesting part is this block, where we connect to the IPC share: check-smb-start The start of checksmb This is pretty simple. The name of the IPC share is constructed with a call to sprintf: sprintf(buf, "%s\\ipc$", the_ip). Then WNetAddConnection2A is called to connect to the IPC share. The username and password are NULL, which means that the username and password of the current user are used. If the connection is successful, NetUserEnum is called to enumerate all the users on the current share: call-to-netuserenum The call to netuserenum The following parameters are interesting:

  • The info is stored in bufptr
  • The filter is FILTER_NORMAL_ACCOUNT, so normal user data is gathered
  • The level is 0, so user account names are enumerated Afterwards, some error checking is performed, and another subroutine, bruteforce_smb is called: bruteforcesmb-call The call to bruteforcesmb The function is called with the following parameters:
  • The IP address, e.g. \\
  • The first username that NetUserEnum found. The bruteforce_smb function starts by loading a list of passwords into eax: load-list-of-passwords Loading a list of passwords into eax passwords-in-memory The passwords in memory Then, after some error checking, it executes the following loop, whose purpose is to bruteforce the password to the SMB share: loop-bruteforce-smb The loop that bruteforces the password In the start of the loop, ebx is zeroed, the IP is stored into ebp, the username is stored into edi, and then the exploit_smb function is called. Let’s analyze exploit_smb. The first interesting call here is a call to WNetAddConnection2A with the username, the IP, and the current password: exploit-smb-connect Connecting to the SMB server After some error checking, if the connection was successful, the CopyFileA function is called to copy the executable of the malware to \\<IP Address of SMB server>\admin$\system32\dnsapi.exe in order to spread the malware further. As you may know, a malware that spreads itself is called a virus. After that, we send a message to the C2 server that indicates that the copy was OK (The username and the password are also sent here): send-data-c2-exploit-smb Sending the data to the C2 Then NetScheduleJobAdd is called. This function submits a job to be run at a later time, and here it’s used to execute dnsapi.exe on the infected server: netschedjobadd-call b netschedulejobadd-def b The JobId passed is just a local variable that receives the output. The Buffer passed is a pointer to an _AT_INFO structure: atinfo-def Definition of ATINFO structure The interesting thing to us here is that the command is the dnsapi virus we just copied. This means that the malware infects the admin$ SMB share, and runs the malware there. Finally, it sends some data to the C2 indicating that the execution went fine: taskok-send Sending to the C2 exploit_smb then cancels the connection with WNEtCancelConnection2A and returns.

This is it! We completely finished our analysis of the malware. This was very long, and I learned a ton from this (I hope that you learned from this too). This is the first real-world malware I’m analyzing, and it was very cool and fun. All that’s left now is a final recap and writing a YARA rule to detect this malware

A Recap

Let’s go over everything the malware does, and what we’ve learned from it:

  • We started by analyzing the entry point of the malware, the WinMain function.
  • We then saw that the malware changes a special registry key to make itself run every time the computer is booted up. This taught us about the registry
  • We saw that the main function called two other subroutines, main_sub_1 and main_sub_2.
  • The main_sub_1 subroutine drops a file Accl3.jpg from a C2 server and saves it under the path C:\Windows\System32\msupd.exe to make it less suspicious. It does so using a function from a DLL
  • It then starts the msupd.exe binary as a process
  • This taught us about DLLs
  • We then analyzed the second subroutine, main_sub_2:
  • main_sub_2 mostly sent data about the infected host to the C2 server
  • We made it send the data it gathered to our HTTP server by playing with the registers in OllyDbg
  • Then, we saw that the main function starts 100 threads that execute a function thread_main
  • The thread_main function port-scans our entire local network and checks for open SMB Servers (Port 445)
  • When it finds an open SMB Server, it connects to its IPC share using the current credentials
  • It then bruteforces the password to get into the main share
  • If it successfully connected, it sends data about the SMB server to the C2 server, and then copies itself to the path \\server\\admin$\system32\dnsapi.exe
  • Then it runs itself on the other host by calling NetScheduleJobAdd to infect other computers

Writing a YARA rule

Now let’s summarize everything we’ve seen by writing a YARA rule that detects the malware. I won’t go into detail about YARA rules here, but they are essentially custom rules you can add to detect malware.

rule phime
		$reg_autostart = "PHIME2008"
		$dnsapi = "admin$\\system32\\dnsapi.exe"
		$msupd = "msupd.exe"
		$c2 = ""
		$ip = ""
		$mal_jpg = "Accl3.jpg"

		$reg_autostart or $dnsapi or $msupd or $c2 or $ip or $mal_jpg

The reg_autostart is the value the malware adds to the registry. The dnsapi is the path to which the malware copies itself when it logs into an SMB server. The msupd.exe is where it saves Accl3.jpg. The c2 is just the name of the C2 server. The ip is another C2 IP we’ve found, and finally the mal_jpg is the file the malware saves under C:\System32\msupd.exe. This rule matches the malware: yara-output The output of our YARA rule

This is it!

Hope you enjoyed this writeup!


This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.